Light: Advanced Manufacturing
「期刊介绍」Light: Advanced Manufacturing (以下简称LAM) (由季华实验室主办,中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所Light学术出版中心出版,是Nature旗下领军期刊Light: Science & Applications的衍生姊妹刊,于2021年1月正式发表研究型论文,为开源的国际化期刊,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊,入选广东省高水平英文科技期刊创办项目,收录于Scopus、DOAJ,2022-2023连续两年入选北京国际图书博览会(BIBF)”中国精品期刊展”。该刊特色为Light品牌自主办刊与先进技术相结合(知识产权完全自有),旨在出版先进制造领域前沿成果,致力于服务科研与产业工作者。
内 容 概 览
Special issue on a 90-year journey towards light from the intramolecular universe(光揭示分子内微观世界90年纪念专刊)
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「相关论文信息」 Dai Zhang, Hai Bi. Special issue on a 90-year journey towards light from the intramolecular universe[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 5, 11(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.011
Bessel-beam-based side-view measurement of seven-core fibre internal core distribution
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「相关论文信息」 Liuwei Zhan, Runze Zhu, Hongwei Tong, Haogong Feng, Kanghu Zhou, Fei Xu. Bessel-beam-based side-view measurement of seven-core fibre internal core distribution[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 5, 2(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.002
Multivariate relationships between microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanisms in laser powder bed fusion of Al-Mn-Sc alloy: towards improved fatigue performance(高温高强航空轻合金服役性能提升)
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「相关论文信息」Huaping Tang, Chaofeng Gao, Shiheng Zhang, Xiaojing Xiong, Sheng Cao, Xiaopeng Wu, Yunjie Bi, Jeremy Heng Rao. Multivariate relationships between microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanisms in laser powder bed fusion of Al-Mn-Sc alloy: towards improved fatigue performance[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 5, 1(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.001
Low bend loss, high index, composite morphology ultra-fast laser written waveguides for photonic integrated circuits
Andrew Ross-Adams 和他所在的麦考瑞大学团队
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「相关论文信息」Andrew Ross-Adams, Toney Teddy Fernandez, Michael Withford, Simon Gross. Low bend loss, high index, composite morphology ultra-fast laser written waveguides for photonic integrated circuits[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 5, 9(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.009
A multi-photon (7 × 7)-focus 3D laser printer based on a 3D-printed diffractive optical element and a 3D-printed multi-lens array
德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院Pascal Kiefer团队
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「相关论文信息」Pascal Kiefer, Vincent Hahn, Sebastian Kalt, Qing Sun, Yolita M. Eggeler, Martin Wegener. A multi-photon (7 × 7)-focus 3D laser printer based on a 3D-printed diffractive optical element and a 3D-printed multi-lens array[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 4, 3(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.003
Efficient synthesis of vitamin D3 in a 3D ultraviolet photochemical microreactor fabricated using an ultrafast laser
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「相关论文信息」Aodong Zhang, Jian Xu, Lingling Xia, Ming Hu, Yunpeng Song, Miao Wu, Ya Cheng. Efficient synthesis of vitamin D3 in a 3D ultraviolet photochemical microreactor fabricated using an ultrafast laser[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 5, 10(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.010
Large dynamic range Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor based on adaptive spot matching
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「相关论文信息」Jiamiao Yang, Jichong Zhou, Lirong Qiu, Rongjun Shao, Linxian Liu, Qiaozhi He. Large dynamic range Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor based on adaptive spot matching[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 4, 7(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.007
Adaptive multiscale microscope with fast zooming, extended working distance, and large field of view
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「相关论文信息」Yi Zheng, Xin Wang, Zhao Jiang, Jinbo Xu, Rongying Yuan, Youran Zhao, Haoran Zhang, Chao Liu, Qionghua Wang. Adaptive multiscale microscope with fast zooming, extended working distance, and large field of view[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 5, 8(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.008
3D printed multicore fiber-tip discriminative sensor for magnetic field and temperature measurements
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「相关论文信息」Cong Xiong, Caoyuan Wang, Ruowei Yu, Wei Ji, Yu Qin, Yichun Shen, Wei Chen, Ai-Qun Liu, Limin Xiao. 3D printed multicore fiber-tip discriminative sensor for magnetic field and temperature measurements[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 5, 18(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.018
Microsphere-assisted quantitative phase microscopy: a review
华盛顿大学医学院副教授Arash Darafsheh团队
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「相关论文信息」Vahid Abbasian, Tobias Pahl, Lucie Hüser, Sylvain Lecler, Paul Montgomery, Peter Lehmann, Arash Darafsheh. Microsphere-assisted quantitative phase microscopy: a review[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 5, 6(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.006
Direct laser writing on halide perovskites: from mechanisms to applications
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「相关论文信息」Yuhang Sheng, Xiaoming Wen, Baohua Jia, Zhixing Gan. Direct laser writing on halide perovskites: from mechanisms to applications[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 4, 4(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.004
Meta-device: advanced manufacturing
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「相关论文信息」Borui Leng, Yao Zhang, Din Ping Tsai, Shumin Xiao. Meta-device: advanced manufacturing[J]. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 5, 5(2024). doi: 10.37188/lam.2024.005